

Blackjack is an interesting and exciting game, that comes in several types, that slightly change the way it’s played and are worth learning about.

History of Blackjack

It is a card game with simple rules, that evolved from the game that was known as “twenty-one”, which probably originated in the 17th century. The first written reference comes from the stories of Spanish author Miguel de Cervantes. In France, blackjack was known as “twenty-one” or “Vingt-et-un” and was played in French casinos in the 18th century where it became very popular.

The name “blackjack” was derived from the special bonus that a player obtained after receiving a combination of an ace of spades and a black jack. This aspect of the game has over the years become obsolete and is no longer part of the rules, but the game has retained its name.

How to play Blackjack

It is up to the player’s ability in strategy and decision making that determines whether he wins or loses, which is why it’s extremely important to know how blackjack is played. The advantage of the casino can be reduced depending on the player’s ability to play the game optimally. This is the reason why the game is so popular amongst strategically-minded people.

Blackjack strategies

For many players, blackjack has become a lifelong passion, which is proved by the existence of a large number of books and various strategies.

If you want to play blackjack, I suggest you try the game with a real dealer. Not only will you play with real cards, but the game will be a more pleasant experience if the cards are dealt by an a real dealer, whether it’s online or in a brick-and-mortar casino. However, your time for making decisions in this type of blackjack is limited. That is why we do not recommend trying it until you have mastered at least the basic strategy.

When playing tournament blackjack you can also compare your skills with other players. Furthermore, applying advanced strategies can lead to obtaining a long-term advantage over the casino, but do not expect blackjack to make you rich. Enjoy it as a way of entertainment which can keep you amused longer than most other casino games.